Friday, February 24, 2012

Maggi Breakfast Omelet (leftover Chinese or Indian food)

There’s a  Thai snack that you make by taking a handful of eggs, mixing them with a ton of Maggi seasoning, and deep-frying the mixture so it looks like a puffy pancake. It’s served with a condiment made from hot peppers and fish sauce.

If we haven’t lost you already (probable, and we admit it looks like a bowl of slop), it’s very good, and we’ve played endlessly with this idea. Our latest riff involves a way to make a great breakfast out of leftover rice (or in the picture quinoa) and any kind of gloppy Chinese or Indian food you have. Ok, not any. You have to use your judgment, but you’ll want things that are mildly flavored and saucy. In any case, this is more of a technique than a strict recipe, so have fun with it and expect a few disasters along the way.

Maggi Breakfast Omelet
Serves two.

Three eggs
2 tsp. Maggi seasoning
Cilantro, chopped (optional)
3/4 cup leftover rice and 1/2 cup leftover gloppy Chinese or Indian food (don’t go crazy on amounts, it’s a really forgiving recipe, just dump a bunch of what you have in a bowl and mix it up--we do this with daals without rice too).

  1. Put a nonstick frying pan on medium to medium low heat.
  2. Put the rice and food in a bowl and mix. Using a scissors, cut any large pieces into pea shaped sizes.
  3. In another bowl mix up the eggs with Maggi.
  4. Add some oil to the pan.
  5. When the pan is hot, pour in the eggs. Swirl the eggs around and peel them off the center of the pan. Scramble them very gently.
  6. When they are about 2/3 cooked but still watery, dump in the leftovers.
  7. Mix thoroughly and heat through to where the eggs are cooked.
  8. Pour into bowls and garnish with cilantro.

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