Between five and six every night, we stop work, pour ourselves a drink, and make a "chip-and-dip." (Fine old New England word, "appetizer" to the rest of the planet.) The idea is that whatever we have been doing needs to stop getting done, and we need to live a little.
No matter, it was gloriously resurrected in mini-cheese-steak-on-crackers appetizers. To make them, we cut up some onions rather fine and threw them in some olive oil. When they were presentable, we added the finely chopped steak, salt, a hundred grindings of black pepper, some mozzarella, and some sour cream. When the mass was good and gloppy, we put it on crackers and added a dash of Sriracha. Might have been nice in a shell of lettuce too.
Chips-and-dips recycle a vast quantity of food odds and ends. Today, we had a piece of steak. It was sulking in the fridge because it had been perfectly cooked, but Nicole had lavished her attention and a good deal of chipotle hot sauce on a baked potato instead.
No matter, it was gloriously resurrected in mini-cheese-steak-on-crackers appetizers. To make them, we cut up some onions rather fine and threw them in some olive oil. When they were presentable, we added the finely chopped steak, salt, a hundred grindings of black pepper, some mozzarella, and some sour cream. When the mass was good and gloppy, we put it on crackers and added a dash of Sriracha. Might have been nice in a shell of lettuce too.
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